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Trust Administration

It’s not uncommon for people to select a trusted friend or family member to be the executor of their estate upon death, but this can become emotional or contentious. It’s also a lot of work. From maintaining estate property to settling debts to keeping beneficiaries in the loop, being named a trustee can be a tough job.

At Goff Legal, our trust administration lawyers in Rocklin and Roseville, CA frequently see Trustees and Successor Trustees who don’t understand their obligations. This can lead to court disputes and bad blood between Successor Trustees and the beneficiaries.

The good news? Goff Legal is here to help with trust administration. Tapping an expert trust attorney in Rocklin and Roseville to support this process can be a huge stress reliever and can help the executor navigate the trust administration process seamlessly.

Here’s how we can help:

  • Real estate transfers
  • Property tax analysis
  • Beneficiary notifications
  • Meeting the deadlines you don’t know about
A trust administration lawyer in Rocklin and Roseville, CA helping her clients fill out legal documents

Becoming A Trustee Or Successor Trustee Can Be Overwhelming

Becoming a trustee or successor trustee is overwhelming–but it doesn’t have to be. Sure, you could ask your friends and family or turn to Google for advice, but how reliable is their expertise? And if you attempt to manage a trust entirely on your own, you’re setting yourself up for legal disputes and trust breaches. Instead, let the experts guide you. They can help clarify questions like whether you can commingle bank accounts and what documents you’ll need to take over the trust. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed by accounting and tax obligations, don’t worry–they’ll have you covered. With professional assistance, you can enjoy greater peace of mind–and have a few less things to worry about.

Our experienced, trust attorneys in Rocklin and Roseville have created a guide to taking over trust management as a successor trustee. Learn more about the Trustee Manual here.

Phased Approach to Trust Administration



  • Assets and debts lists are created
  • All trust accounts are collected by the trustee
  • Investments are reviewed with the financial advisor


  • Meeting with CPA regarding past and future taxes
  • Deadline to contest the trust passes
  • Debts of the decedent are paid


  • Approval of accounting or waiver of accounting received from all beneficiaries.
  • Release signed by beneficiaries
  • Accounts are transferred and/or checks are written to beneficiaries

At Goff Legal, our trust administration lawyers in Rocklin and Roseville use a phased approach to administration so that nothing is lost and the task doesn’t get too overwhelming. We want to meet with our clients at each stage to ensure that they understand their responsibilities and the schedule.

The good news is that we can handle all of the legal paperwork and notifications while you can focus on your job as trustee. In order to support you during this process, we are also always available for further meetings and inquiries.

Our Commitment to Professional Trust Administration Services

At Goff Legal, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality trust administration services in Placer County. Our team of experienced trust attorneys in Rocklin and Roseville is dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized services, tailored to meet the individual needs of each client. We understand that trust administration is a complex process, so we make sure to provide our clients with the necessary guidance and support to ensure that their trusts are managed efficiently and effectively.

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Do I need a will or a trust?

Trust attorneys in Rocklin and Roseville, California, meeting in a conference room with a laptop.

How Long does an Administration take?

Although each trust is unique, most administrations are finished in a year. The process is precisely that—a process—because there are a number of significant deadlines (30 days to file the will, 60 days to notify the beneficiaries and provide a copy of the trust, 120 days for them to object, etc.). If all beneficiaries concur, we might be able to help speed up the procedure. The good news is that unlike a probate, you can begin right away and do not need to wait for a court order once the settlor has passed away.

Two trust attorneys in Rocklin and Roseville meet with a client in an office.

Our Trust Attorneys in Roseville Take A Team Approach To Every Case

At Goff Legal, we take trust administration seriously. We understand that it can be a complex process that requires thorough knowledge and attention to detail. That’s why our team of experienced professionals is here to support you every step of the way. With trust attorneys in Rocklin and Roseville, paralegals, and an accountant on our team, we have the expertise needed to navigate the intricacies of trust administration. We work together to ensure that our responses are always timely and that your case moves forward in the most cost-effective manner possible. You can trust us to provide you with the guidance and support you need to make informed decisions about your trust administration.

Key Features + Benefits

As a trusted provider of trust administration services in Placer County, we believe that you deserve the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are administering the trust in the most time and cost efficient manner.

To make your experience even better, we’ve included some of the features and benefits of our trust administration services below:


1. Customized Advice: Our trust administration lawyers in Rocklin and Roseville will listen carefully to your unique circumstances, guiding you through the process of administering the trust for your family or loved one.

2. Professional Administration: We will handle all the legal tasks associated with trust administration, including filing documents, sending out legal notices, and tracking important deadlines so nothing gets missed.

3. Clear Directions and Options: We make sure that you know what the next steps are and the timelines for each step. This helps protect you from surprise tax bills, an upset beneficiary, or confusion of what is next.


1. Peace of Mind: Our expertise in trust administration and deep understanding of the legal system means that you can rest assured knowing that you will be represented professionally and ethically.

2. Liability Protection: The job of a trustee can come with personal liability and if you aren’t providing the correct notice to the correct agencies, or are violating the probate code, you could be in trouble. We help you with the legal components so the trust can be wrapped up as soon as legally possible.

3. Time Savings: Trust administration can be a time-consuming and demanding process, but with Goff Legal’s trust attorneys in Rocklin and Roseville on your side, you can rest easy knowing that you have a team of experts handling the details. This will free up your time to focus on the things that matter most in your life.

Helpful Video Resources For Trust Administration

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