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Most trustees don’t know
how to handle an estate. Do you?

Equip yourself, or the people who have agreed to be trustees for your estate, with the tools needed to do the job right.

Becoming a trustee or successor trustee can be overwhelming.

Most people do not understand what, exactly, is required of them. Asking friends and family and Googling “how to manage a trust” can only get you so far–and if you forego outside assistance entirely, it could lead to breaches of trust and legal disputes.

Do you know:

  • Whether you can commingle bank accounts?
  • Which documents you’ll need to take over the trust?
  • How often you must communicate with the beneficiaries–and
    what to tell them?
  • Your accounting and tax obligations?
  • What to do when the previous successor trustee dies?
  • How to find and manage quality professional assistance?

We can help you find answers and enjoy greater peace of mind.

Trustee Manual | $750*

Goff Legal understands how confusing trust management can be, especially when you don’t have previous experience. Our experienced, trusted attorneys have created a guide to taking over trust management as a successor trustee.

We’ll help you understand your rights and obligations as trustee, the basic “dos” and “don’ts” of trust management, how to seek efficient professional assistance and where to begin.

*Discounted with estate planning package

    Want to see what's inside?

    Download the Introduction section and sample pages before you buy.

    Our manual addresses common problems
    and provides solutions, including:

    How to get started.

    We’ll walk you through the basics, such as what it means to be a trustee, the documents you’ll need before you head to the bank and why it’s important to seek outside assistance.

    The basics of trust management.

    Learn about your rights and obligations as successor trustee, including how to avoid disputes through good communication, your notification and management obligations and how to collect accounts in a timely manner.

    How to find and oversee effective outside assistance.

    If you decide to seek professional help, this manual provides a roadmap to helpful professionals–plus simple tips to make sure they’re managing the trust effectively.

    What happens when you fail to meet trustee obligations.

    Most beneficiary/trustee disputes occur when there’s been a lack of communication. This manual will help you avoid breaching your trust obligations, including when and how to notify your trustees, how to manage the trust efficiently and what to do when a dispute arises.

    What to do when your spouse dies.

    Few people realize that the death of their spouse can create new trust obligations: they may have to fund a bypass trust, create a new trust instrument, file tax returns and more. The manual helps new trustees understand what to expect from the process, and where to get help from a probate lawyer when necessary.

    Give yourself (or your trustee) peace of mind.

      Want to see what's inside?

      Download the Introduction section and sample pages before you buy.

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      to Meeting with You

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